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The Rehearsal Space

The Hive rehearsal space is a 22 x 18 stage area fully equipped with pa system, drums, bass amp, 4 x 12 guitar cabinet and microphones, with rental fees specific to the size of your act. For everyone from acoustic solo or duo artists, comedians, dancers, loud rock bands, or full dance troupes. 

Contact us through the contact page, email, phone call or text to select your time. 


The PA System

The Hive PA is a 32 channel Yamaha M2000  mixing board with 2 EV 15" pa speakers, 4 stage monitors, fed by 4 seperate amps, and 3 SM 58 microphones. 


The Drum Kit

The Hive drum kit is a 1988 modified 5 pc Pearl Export in a 1 up 2 down configuration. The kit also has a Pearl Eliminator double bass pedal and a full compliment of Sabian Cymbals. 


Bass and Guitar

The Hive has a Yamaha 4 x 12 - 8 ohm guitar cabinet and a 300 watt Hartke Systems bass head and 4 x 10 Gallien Krueger Cab. 

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